Post USMS Pool Meet Tasks: Within 14 and 21 Days

PNA Post Meet Results Within 14 Days:
as of 12-12-14

Doug Jelen  –
22233 NE 28th PL
Sammamish, WA 98074

Immediately following the meet:

Within 2 weeks of meet date mail the following items to Doug Jelen:

  1. Lane Timer Sheets and Relay Cards for all events
  2. All swimmers’ Paper (non electronic) Entry Forms (if anyone entered using paper)
  3. All Timing Tapes or Printouts, if the meet is electronically timed
  4. Heat Sheet and/or corrected heat sheet (showing any re-seeding)
  5. Heat Sheet for deck-seeded events (i.e., list of heat and lane assignments for deck-seeded events)
  6. Heat Sheet for deck-entered events (i.e., list of heat and lane assignments for relays)
  7. Record Documentation for any new national or world records – can also be scanned and emailed
    1. Lane Timer Sheet and/or timing tape and
    2. record application (for each record)
  8. Name and certification level of the Meet Referee – can be emailed.
  9. Pool measurement form if course used a bulkhead – can be scanned and emailed.

Within 21 DAYS OF MEET:

  • If you need an invoice, email PNA Treasurer Brent Barnes ( with the number of swimmers so he can generate an invoice. Mail check for PNA meet fees ($1.75/swimmer) to:

PNA Treasurer
1320 Carlyon Ave SE
Olympia, WA 98501

  • Make sure you have collected all expenses – including the Club Assistant fee, pool rental and sales tax on entry fees (if applicable).
  • Complete the Actual Income Statement in the same Excel workbook as the Budgeted Income Statement (second tab). The Budget numbers for your meet will already be in the Budget column. Email Actual Income Statement to