Recognize a Non-USMS Pool Meet

Recognized Non-USMS Meet:   the written acknowledgment by an LMSC for a designated competition conducted in conformance with relevant USMS rules in which both USMS members and nonmembers may participate. Times or distances achieved by members at recognized competitions will be considered for recording purposes by USMS if all requirements of the Recognition are satisfied.

Meet Referee:  Secure currently certified Meet Referee.  List of PNA USA-S certified referees available here.

Recognition Application Form:  Complete and sign PNA Recognition Application Form  Mail, with $100 check made out to PNA, to address on form.
Additional info on Recognition requirements available in USMS
 Rulebook, Article 202.2

USMS Designated Observer:  Arrange for a designated USMS Observer to be present at the meet.
This person will verify, in writing, that the meet was conducted in accordance with USMS procedures.

Pool Length Certification:  Check USMS Certified Pool list to see if pool length has been certified.  

  • If pool to be used for competition is not on the list and has fixed walls, complete Pool Certification Form and attach to Recognition Application.
  • If pool to be used for competition has at least one movable bulkhead, measure pool before and after competition on the day of the event, using procedures outlined on page 2 of the Pool Certification Form.

Online USMS application for Recognition:   Go to –> Competition, –> Sanction An Event.

  • Request type is Sanction/Recognition.  Supply info as requested.  When complete, click SUBMIT.
  • Upon Approval by LMSC, a Recognition number will be issued.

Proper display and usage of Recognition:  

  • Entry forms and programs must bear the statement “Recognized by (LMSC name) for USMS, Inc.” and the recognition number

Gather USMS Membership ID info from competitors: 

  • Ideally, before the meet, contact competitors for their USMS ID.  Can be done at the meet, but most won’t know their number.  Explain that results will be submitted to USMS only for swimmers who provide current USMS IDs.  If they don’t know their USMS ID number, input their birth date and full name into the meet management database.
  • Input this number (format is ###-XXXXX where # is a number and X is a number or alpha.  The third # is the ones digit of the current calendar year) into the meet management software database.

Run meet according to USMS procedures.  See USMS Rule book for details.

Submit results and required supporting documents to PNA Records/ Top-10 Recorder,Doug Jelen

Info on proper submittal of results is available here.